Month: February 2018
News | Customer Announcement
Last, But Not Least: Plymouth Rock, Cambridge Mobile Telematics, and Kaplansky Insurance
Plymouth Rock has launched a new app this month aimed at rewarding insurance customers simply for driving safely. “As an insurance company, safe driving is very important to us,” said...
February 27, 2018
Mobile Broadband Access and Auto Collision Frequency Uncorrelated, Actuaries Find
Mobile broadband access—used as an indicator of the likelihood that drivers may be using mobile devices while driving—appears to have no impact on collision frequency, according to a recent insurance industry...
February 22, 2018
News | Distracted Driving
Motorists More Worried About Distracted Driving than Drunk Driving: Survey
Distracted driving has overtaken drunk driving as consumers’ top safety concern on the road, according to a Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) survey. The survey of more than 700 drivers revealed...
February 19, 2018
News | Distracted Driving
More Fear Distracted Driving Than Drunk Driving
Despite concern over the rise in distracted driving, current laws are not motivating consumers to curb this risky behavior and address the crisis. CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Feb 15, 2018–Distracted driving has...
February 15, 2018
News | Distracted Driving
Distracted driving overtakes drunk driving as top road safety concern: survey
Could insurance discounts motivate drivers to put their phones away? Distracted driving has surpassed drunk driving as consumers’ number one safety concern on the road, according to a recent survey...
February 15, 2018