Month: April 2019
News | Customer Announcement
Softbank-backed startup powers second edition of 'Boston’s Safest Driver' [Boston Business Journal]
A SoftBank-backed Cambridge startup that uses smartphone data to analyze driver behavior is again partnering with city officials in the “Boston’s Safest Driver” competition. Cambridge Mobile Telematics, or CMT, is...
April 30, 2019
News | Customer Announcement
Amica Insurance announces winners of Rhode Island’s Safest Driver contest [Yahoo Finance!]
LINCOLN, R.I.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–To encourage safer driving in Rhode Island, and to gain insight into how telematics can influence driving behavior, Amica Insurance partnered with Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) to launch...
April 30, 2019
News | Driving Insights
Which U.S. Cities Have the Need for Speed [Statista]
Drivers in Portland have been speeding through the city. Over half of trips that Cambridge Mobile Telematics analyzed in the city found that the drivers were speeding. Cambridge Mobile Telematics used smartphone sensors...
April 25, 2019
News | Distracted Driving
The distracted driving epidemic [AXIOS]
From the AXIOS Newsletter by Kaveh Waddell Depending on where you are in the U.S., as many as 43% of the drivers around you may be distracted by their phones....
April 23, 2019

Blog | Connected Insurance
How AI helps insurers convert risk into relationships [Property Casualty 360]
By Ryan McMahon, vice president of insurance at Cambridge Mobile Telematics For anyone involved in an accident, the hours immediately following are often emotional and highly stressful. A split-second distraction...
April 18, 2019