Month: December 2020

News | Customer Announcement
Marmalade Introduces Pay as You Go Auto Insurance Solution
Originally published in Insurance Business UK, 12/4/2020 Insurance provider Marmalade has launched a new “pay as you go” auto insurance to help young drivers save even more on their premiums....
December 7, 2020

Blog | Behavior Change
Distracted Driving Laws Alone Aren't Enough to Combat Phone-Based Distraction
As of February 2020, 21 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have total handheld phone use bans in effect. A “total handheld phone use ban”...
December 4, 2020

Blog | Behavior Change
Motor Insurance: Catalysts of Market Change
By Ryan McMahon Originally published in Insurance Edge, 12/1/2020 It’s always fascinating to look at how technology has shaped business models. In “That Will Never Work” Marc Randolph, Netflix co-founder...
December 2, 2020