Month: November 2023

Distracted driving
The impact of grace periods on hands-free laws
It’s been over seven months since Ohio introduced its hands-free bill on April 4, 2023. Since then, we’ve documented how the law has performed over time. We’ve found that the...
November 16, 2023

Gig Economy
Why insurance carriers want gig companies to use telematics
Insurance is the biggest expense for gig companies. Uber says its insurance costs are roughly 10% of its gross bookings, exceeding $11B in 2022. Insurance-related costs are also rising every...
November 15, 2023

Distracted driving
Road Risk Alert: Increase in Distracted Driving Raises Safety Concerns for Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday when American families come together and celebrate with food, football, and pie. But it has a less savory effect on our roads. According to a new...
November 14, 2023