Author: Matt Fiorentino

News | Driving Insights
Drivers speed up commutes during coronavirus, data reveals [Fox Business]
Drivers have reportedly sped up on their commutes during the coronavirus. According to data from Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) that was emailed to FOX Business, there has been a significant...
May 26, 2020

News | Driving Insights
How COVID-19 Could Change Insurance For the Better [The Simple Dollar]
The COVID-19 pandemic has already changed every industry on earth — air travel, retail, healthcare, you name it. There are so many things we can’t control about the novel coronavirus,...
May 19, 2020

News | Customer Announcement
Marmalade Transforms Named Young Drivers Insurance with Cambridge Mobile Telematics [Business Wire]
Marmalade’s new solution is built on Cambridge Mobile Telematics’ (CMT) award-winning DriveWell platform Reports the share of trips taken in the insured vehicle by the Named Young Driver Young driver...
May 7, 2020

News | Driving Insights
How are consumers perceiving auto insurance during the COVID-19 crisis? [Insurance Information Institute]
Since people are driving less in the midst of COVID-19 related stay-at-home orders, many auto insurers have responded with premium refunds totaling about $10 billion. How are consumers reacting to...
May 6, 2020

Blog | Product Solution
Telematics Essentials: The Importance of Supporting a Wide Base of Users and Phone Models
One of the challenges of building and maintaining a mobile telematics app is the ability to provide a consistent user experience across different phone models. Phone models vary from country...
April 3, 2020