Author: Matt Fiorentino
Blog | Product Solution
CMT Customer Story - Desjardins
Desjardins Insurance is the P&C arm of Desjardins Group, one of the largest financial cooperatives in Canada. In 2013, they decided to transform their telematics program from OBD-based to smartphone-based....
January 31, 2020
Blog | Product Solution
CMT Customer Story - Insurance Australia Group
Insurance Australia Group (IAG) is one of Australia’s largest insurers. It has the largest market share in Australia and a commanding market share of approximately 60% in New Zealand. To...
January 23, 2020
News | Connected Insurance
Worldwide Attitudes Toward Connected Insurance
Thank you for your interest in our analysis of worldwide consumer attitudes toward mobile telematics. The white paper is based on independent surveys conducted in 2019 of drivers in Brazil,...
January 20, 2020

News | Connected Insurance
New Telematics, AI Product Helps Quickly Detect Crashes [FenderBender]
Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) has expanded its ability to detect crashes to help the end-to-end claims process. CMT has launched Claims Studio. Claims Studio gives claims adjusters access to telematics...
January 16, 2020

News | Connected Insurance
Around the P&C insurance industry [PropertyCasualty360]
Mobile telematics and analytics provider Cambridge Mobile Telematics (CMT) has launched Claims Studio, a new product line for claims adjusters designed to provide more accurate crash data faster. CMT describes Claims Studio as a lightweight smartphone...
January 16, 2020