Telematics Essentials: The Importance of Supporting a Wide Base of Users and Phone Models

One of the challenges of building and maintaining a mobile telematics app is the ability to provide a consistent user experience across different phone models. Phone models vary from country to country, some of which may only be used by a small number of drivers, and apps that don’t accommodate them risk losing existing and future users.
At CMT, it’s critical that we help our customers grow and retain users. We do this by ensuring our technology works accurately and consistently for a wide user base, on as many phone models as possible.
Our technology supports more than 3,000 phone models, and many are used by only a small number of drivers. The image below visualizes the distribution of phone models in our dataset. Each box represents a phone model; the larger the box, the more users that phone type has. The iPhones in the left hand column are used by the most number of drivers, while the small boxes in the lower right hand corner show the significant number of Android models we support, even if they’re used by fewer drivers.
Every day, we assess millions of drivers worldwide. Supporting thousands of phone models allows us to keep scaling and adding to our robust dataset that represents various user types, geographies, and driving behaviors. Because of this, our platform continuously adapts with the ever changing landscape of the mobile world.
Are you interested in working with CMT to build your own smartphone telematics app? Contact us!