News | Distracted Driving

Distracted on your cell phone? Cambridge Mobile Telematics tells us []

July 8, 2019

Even today, unfortunately, it happens to see drivers and cyclists, even motorized, while using their mobile phones, for various operations.

As often happens, the majority of accidents and traffic offences occur precisely for this reason: incorrect use, indeed completely prohibited, of the smartphone at the wheel. Cambridge Mobile Telematics, which has always studied these behaviours, is well aware of this.

The U.S. company has presented the results of the latest research “Connected Insurance Italy Market Survey 2019”, which analyzes the driving habits of Italians and their attitude.

The survey has highlighted the incisive factors behind the wheel and the major concerns in terms of security. Distraction is one of the main causes of accidents in Italy and drivers are aware of it.

40.6% of the respondents put the use of electronic devices (sms, social media, map control on smartphones) at the top of the list of major sources of concern about the behavior of other drivers. This is followed by driving under alcohol or under the influence of drugs (35.1%), while 23.2% are worried about dangerous driving styles, such as speeding, abrupt braking, or the sudden change of lane.

The great thing is that the same people who complain about others recognize that they are distracted themselves: 56% say they are distracted by phone calls or messages, but also by navigation maps (11%), or the display of videos while driving (9%).

The point of Cambridge Mobile Telematics is: can telematics lower these percentages, including also gamification? Maybe yes.

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