Safe Roads Alliance's Safest Driver Challenge
Download, Drive, Share & Win!
Safe Roads Alliance invites you to
Becoming a safer driver is easy, free, and even comes with rewards! CMT’s longtime partner in road safety, the Safe Roads Alliance, is hosting the Safest Driver Challenge in an effort to show you just how easy it is! Follow the three steps below for a chance to win gift cards to some of your favorite places.
Contest details:

Download the FREE Safest Driver App

(Yep, it's that easy!)

Tweet a screenshot of your Safest Driver App
to both @safe_roads and @cmtelematics
The challenge will run from April 26, 2021 to May 30, 2021, and each week six submissions will be chosen to win a $10 gift card to Dunkin’ Donuts. CMT will contact winners via Direct Message on Twitter. At the end of the challenge, one entrant will win a $100 grand prize.