Tag: Data Analysis

Blog | Data Analysis
The "Distraction Hangover" Proves Phone-Distraction Behind the Wheel is More Severe than Projected
What happens when you put the phone down? How long does it take for your attention to refocus on what you were doing? The data scientists at CMT have been...
November 30, 2020

Blog | Data Analysis
Rising Phone Distraction Calls For New Methods of Measurement
Phone distraction while driving is generally understood as dangerous. Across the U.S., there are national awareness campaigns promoting slogans like “Don’t Text and Drive” and “It Can Wait” – you...
November 16, 2020
News | Data Analysis
New Report: CMT's data shows true scope of phone distraction behind the wheel
CAMBRIDGE, Mass.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Phone distraction is a fast-growing problem that has proven difficult to quantify and contain, thanks to the lack of a consistent method of measurement and varying levels of...
November 12, 2020

Blog | Behavior Change
Phone Distraction Occurred in 41% of Daytime Drives in 2019
Phone distraction while driving is an understudied, underreported, and misunderstood disaster occurring right now. It costs hundreds of lives and millions of dollars each year, and it’s getting worse. States...
November 12, 2020