News | Distracted Driving

On The Run column: Runners need to stay alert for distracted drivers

Anyone who runs on the road knows they have to be cognizant of traffic. That’s just common sense. But in this age of increasingly distracted drivers, it’s more important than...
November 11, 2017
News | Distracted Driving

Editorial: Unsafe at any speed: Driving with Facebook on the dashboard

There was a time when a distracted driver was a parent fuming at a couple of kids yipping at each other in the back seat. Today, the internet and social...
October 16, 2017
News | Distracted Driving

How To Use Do Not Disturb While Driving In iOS 11 So You're Not Distracted

There are so many things that your phone can do. It is practically your personal assistant. Your phone can tell you the best time to get to bed, remind you...
October 14, 2017
News | Distracted Driving

Do hands-free laws make our roads safer?

Massachusetts is considering a hands-free cellphone law for drivers, but will it really stop people from driving while distracted? Texting while driving is already against the law in Massachusetts, but...
July 13, 2017
News | Distracted Driving

Our View: Lawbreaking motorists shouldn’t be able to hide in Maine

Our cars and trucks are safer than ever. So why is the number of Americans dead or injured in crashes each year continuing to climb? We can’t ignore the facts...
April 20, 2017