Tag: Driving Insights
Blog | Behavior Change
Can we Avoid 21,000 Deadly Crashes in the Next Five Years?
In our final installment of the 2020 distracted driving blog series, we look at possible future scenarios given the current trajectory of phone-based distraction. What impact will it have on...
January 21, 2021
Blog | Behavior Change
[Video] Road Safety in the Digital Age: The Impact of Phone-based Distraction
Road Safety in the Digital Age: The Impact of Phone-based Distraction from Cambridge Mobile Telematics on Vimeo. In its latest report, CMT concludes that phone-based distracted driving can be eliminated...
January 20, 2021
Blog | Behavior Change
Eliminating Distraction will Require Both State and Individual Approaches
In previous installments in this blog series, CMT highlighted how society has been slow to respond to the phone-based distraction problem. Most people misunderstand just how dangerous phone use behind...
January 11, 2021
Blog | Behavior Change
Distracted Driving Laws Alone Aren't Enough to Combat Phone-Based Distraction
As of February 2020, 21 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands have total handheld phone use bans in effect. A “total handheld phone use ban”...
December 4, 2020
Blog | Data Analysis
The "Distraction Hangover" Proves Phone-Distraction Behind the Wheel is More Severe than Projected
What happens when you put the phone down? How long does it take for your attention to refocus on what you were doing? The data scientists at CMT have been...
November 30, 2020